i have read this fundamentally improve the blow-type skill damage. increasing the power of blow-type skills by giving the character's dex value an influence on the damage created by those skills.->>> here http://wiki.terragamers.net/index.php?title=othell_rogue_developer_notes. is this truth? i wanted ask an experiment but they are closed by now someone knows if dex increase blows damage? if it is yes ¿how much compared with str?
if dex increases skill damage for rogues i will be impressed! atm i feel dex modifies the % chance of double crit blows but yes the sad truth is that nothing is certain yet. i'm not impressed by some of the tests being done, last one was for a summoned pet equivalent to the mob level but summoner is 99, whats the drop?...common sense people! the rogue situation is far more complicated a matter!
//confirmed dex influences blow land rate and overall damage. i remove +15 str -3 dex, changed armor type and gained +7 dex and i see significant change
the change is enough big for change str(critical damge,mora damage in all the blows) and put dex? how much it increas it?
well with 126 str and 53 dex my average double crit during pvp was ~15k . now (106 str 59 dex) my average double crit is around 23k
excuse me i am i little noob ¿what double critical is? i know blow criticals,beside that blow skills always do critical but ¿what double critical is? i also know the skill reset. it is two consecutive critical blows? what about the normal blow damage?
every successfull hit from othells skills are critical hits. every blow can still crit - its called double critical.
calculations would be: 126 str/53 dex - 7500 damage blow 106 str/59 dex - 13000 damage blow it would suggest that each point of dex increases skill damage by 7.5%
in my plains walker dex dyes doesn't affec to blow damage i hope it be for othell skills or `+85 dyes
critical skill is always x2 damage of a normal skill, there is no bonus. i have tested just now hitting an npc, by removing 10 dex points, and adding them after, and skill damage is always on same value with a difference of +-2k dmg on both situations. with 50 dex: damage normal skill 25-28k, and criticals from 51 to 56k dmg (20 skills landed) with 60 dex: damage normal skill 26-28k, and criticals from 52 to 56k dmg (20 skills landed) in my opinion, damage is practically the same, and if it gives some, its not significant.
well i see really big difference once i changed that. even with only 6 dex difference i see i miss less blows and more double crits lands. try it on pvp to see how it changes because it is completely different to hit npc and player/
you might be right. but still i see visible change during pvp. from now on i can stress healer even more then before. if you dont want to waste money then pick dex . i've wasted some unfortunately.