tags: [skills] once again we say “hello!” othell rogue is here to blow anyone with blow attacks. let’s read some important facts. purpose: to find out whether p. atk. affects othell rogue's blow-type skills experiment: othell adventurer (lvl. 99) attacked aeore healer (lvl. 99) with blow-type skills. in the first part of the experiment othell adventurer's p. atk. varied from 4500 to 18000, and aeore healers' p. def. was 6141. in the second part aeore healer's p. def was reduced down to 2703. conditions: part 1 results: part 2
good but if making it should be done with dual dagers too to see the difference between them.. not only 1h dager we all know dual daggers have more p atk, by how much there is difference (lets say adding same amount of p atk (for exampe if u add 1k for p atk then for dual dagers +1k (from what it have) and same 1k for 1h dager, now u made half experiment, and left so much unknown factors to think about...
thanks for the experiment. however, i see something strange in numbers... i have always thought that physical damage was calculated following a linear equation; i know that koreans changes formulas constantly, but this linear character of damage with pattk has never changed. so i have put these numbers of the table in a formula, for each skill: skill dmg = a + b * pattk (i know that it's a simplification, but correct in this case, where you only change pattk stat and power of the skill) for aoe skill, dagger explossion, the equation is almost perfect (a correlation coefficient of 0,9999, so no significant error in the formula). a=187 and b=0,0205, so 2,05% of damage increase with pattk (you hit 20 more damage when you increase your pattk by 1000, for example). for single skills, the valor of b is the same for 3 skills (b=0,0123), that is a 1,23% of damage increase with pattk. valor of a changes because is influenced by skill power, i suppose. but first of the numbers in table (pattk=4547), doesn't match with this equation (??). could you check if the first valor in table is ok? if the numbers are correct, i could only conclude that damage is linear from 5k of pattk (aprox), but no below that valor. maybe it's more clear with a graphic: it's interesting too that damage increase of aoe skill is a little higher than singles skills; but anyway, test reinforces what we already knew: damage increase is not very influenced by pattk increase (only about 2%). however, it was a very useful test for me, thx regards, elbe