xm! i was thinking you have... alot more items ;d gg, nice classbased, make some oly video from open olympiad, there are soo few daggers that dare to fraps and put at youtube =s. gz well played +1 for not ghay songs/not the same songs like all other oly videos at youtube :d
thx.. just created thiz video coz ppl sayin "cb oly is only about luck" and other craps.. ofc luck is also important but when u lost like 10 matches in row vs some othell its not only about it.. anyway i respect all players in thiz move and the other classes also.. btw. belt and istina is kingsizes one.. sometimes i have turnons zaken ps.. im not planing to make more movies atm and soundrack.. haaahaaa.. ppl are like sheeps.
gf mate rly enjoy fraps! in some actions there is so many luck but that it looks when u fight against good daggers.