i just wait few days with starting game because my friend reported me "you will be mad because 999999999999999 people want kill 1 mob already" oh well then i waited and what i see? i see starting location is like factory producting unlimited number of newbies and its fcking annoying because i cant even finish my quest! what the hell is wrong with you people or maybe they are bots? will ever starting location be able to finish quests?
stop cry o.o its normal. its free now. wait one or two weeks. then 1/5 of this player won't play l2 anymore. ^^ the most ppl are now testing l2. if they have finished the tests they will quit l2..
alot of players are creating alts just to do the new quest chain for the adena rewards. then they send the adena to their main and delete the alt, create a new one, rinse and repeat. the starting zones aren't gonna settle down any time soon i think. you're exagerating a little though, it's not that bad. be patient.
you very lucky because you can login to server) this is fcking 4game... when l2 starting in russia ppl even could not download it :d p.s. i'm russian. please dont banned me)
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