hi, i am new and need some help please. with mentee marks (coins) you can get +150 attribute stones. if my weapon already has +5% attribute can i use a + 150 attribute stone of the same type and will the result be +155 or +150. same question kind of. if my weapon has +150 can i use a +150 attribute stone of the same type and will it go to +300. if my weapon has +155, can i use a +150 attribute stone of the same type to increase to +300. again the +150 attriibute stone i am talking about are all the ones you get with the mentee coins. thanks for any help!
xd are u serious? any +60/+150 stone will go to that lvl of attribute, wich is lvl4 (aca +60 for amor or +150 only on weapons, if u use a +150 stone on a piece of armor it will be +60 only), like any other stone u cant use it on pieces wich already have lvl4 of att.
to sum up, it sets armor/weapon attribute to the specified value. so if your weapon was already +5, it will become +150. to go over 150 element, you need to use crystal, no way to cheat with stone :d.