another boring healer pov. (with short intro) tracklist: u know name of all songs. last pvp is very funny though is a troll pt. enjoy!
funny thing on the last of the vid xd.... which person have that shrill laught? xd (the woman i mean) xd
wasnt? or was? xd... ups, well at least i didnt say nothing stupid b4 asking xd jajajaja... it was funny for me, not annoying
watched the video and i only want to add one thing. being a healer and specially with 3 healers in party your party members should be purged instantly, but they aren't. i'd better put individual purge on an easier button rather than clicking it.
i dont click it always, just when im healing someone (f1) and if i stop for sure the person will die so i click it to dont stop holding f1, another times i do it because well i already have the habit to click on keys and i try to loose it slowly, i wont force myself i think is fine for now some videos has show it. about purge instantly: i do my cleanse always when is time to do it, looks like easy with 3 healers, like a paradise: nobody will die, perma cleanse but no, the problem is that 1 of the 3 healers is perma down, so is impossible attend to purge instantly when you are trying to dont let it die or trying to make that person gets rebuff because lost buff in pvp (naia`s style), and well trigger`s cleanse in that pvp specially got interrupted often vs mages by unknown reasons that only he can explain. but i will take your advice and will bind a key to do it faster, thanks =)