hi all, i played when innova started till 74 level, and now after a 1,5 (?) year i am back and wanna play again... i am playing as elven elder can someone give me some info like what to do? (1) where to xp? solo grind? raid boss? power level by other player? quest? (2) which is the new contest i need to know (ofc i have search everything before posting but too much info and very confused) (3) my aim is to make 85, so analyze till 85, when i reach this level i will search for more... (4) is it worth to play again? will i reach the required levels and items? or its too late? thanks a lot! peace!
i think make quest and a bit farm. go 76. then go make rbs or start a party for swampland 76-84 ppl ( make full one ). i used to make parties 76+ and ppl were coming a lot. take mentor ( new stuff , 2 years old maybe you missed it). go 85 and start the 85+ stuff. kartia solo/group, teredor, soa daily, swampland daily , xp s2/s3 xp fairies and what ever you want p. if you like l2 a lot its worth playing.
i guess this link would help you with what 'new' quests there are for your level: http://l2wiki.com/levelling_guide_before_awakening_40-84 with mentor + vp xp in woa isnt bad at 74, but i leveled at varka from (also subs) 73/74 to 76/77 after i finished all quests in woa + daily quest there. though on the daily quest at woa ("a daunting task") i only did 200 items extra, but you can do up to 900 and get 163kk xp when you hand it in. at 76 you will get quests in ketra orc outpost, since your class is counted as mage. but ye, farming raidbosses can gain more xp than grinding your a$$ off. ^^