hi i just awoke to tyrr duelist. now i got a question about duelist spirit. does the skill still work after awake or i have to replace it with bersekerr cuz i doesnt work anymore? thank you
not everybody care about oly, like for example defro. noone will tell me he is bad tyr, however he doesnt care about oly so for him duelist is kinda usefull
duelist with zerk rage is just as dangerous outside pvp(if not more), actually it's much more annoying, when agroing tyr on zerk is incredibly hard, , cant pull, cant stun, cant exile. hero tyrr is close to "perma immunity" on serious pvp with this ****. get skill mastery with rage +10 and ull have 2:20 (1 skill mastery)+ 2 minutes hero zerk + 1:10 of rage (since it got reused at this point). tyrr with duelist spirit is much easier to nuke down, cc, w/e name it. they bring more burst but for that make an archer, they hit harder, 1,1k range, provides nuker with more dmg(bullseye) and got ue.