ok so i have some problems putting together my skillbar.. and i wonder how other iss'es has their skillbar? is it better to have all melodys separate in the skillbar or to have a macro with all melody's? please show me some inspiration on how to put my skillbar.
my skill bar is positioned horizontally and my buffs are on the top right corner. i have one macro for sonatas, one macro for buffs + 2 resists, one slot is taken by elemental resistance and three slots for harmonies. the reason for not having elemental resistance included in my melody/resistance macro is that it's better to have resistance of saha from healers for pvp. if somebody gets cancelled during pvp, i just switch to my 5th bar where i have all the melodies and i rebuff what's needed. it would be even better to have all the buff skills and macros on 5th-6th bar, but i have enough space on the skill bar right now.
i use 3 macros for the buffs which i place them on 4rth bar left corner , on 1st bar i have the basic attack skills with next target and attack and i have the most usually used debuffs on second bar to use them with alt+number.anything else i dont use so frequent i place it on 3rd bar according to how it is better to my playstyle.my skill bar is positioned horizontally too.and on 4rth bar i have some self buffs for emergency and some macro for target and use specific skills or buffs.
my skillbar. i have buffs in 3rd line. melo (melodies), resi (resists), sona (sonatas) and raps (including announcement in party chat) are macros. ofcourse you can tweak it, so it suits you.