im going to make a othell but i have a hard time to choose what race to be, i heard that elf is best becouse of the high dex they have. thing is i dont really like to play a elf would it work to be a humen and ues chaos essence to be a wr ? or is my dex to low as a humen to be good ?
your dex as human will be considerably low in my opinion, right now on lindvior we can say that wr is the best but on next update from what i hear will be the gh ultimately i think the best will be, to make what you enjoy to play, cause the term "best char" or "best class" is wrong, cause all that matters is how you will play your char, so for example if you are 100% sure you want human race, u can use chaos essence to change to another dagger class and you can decide if wonna play him full dex or whatever else hope i was a bit helpfull
hands > race no matter which race you would pick if you dont know how to control your choosen class you will be bad
thanks it was helpfull i was planning go full dex +15 think i'll lend at 70 or 72 dex if im right that might be abit low, so far i like dark elf and humen as race. pretty hard to choose hehe
dwarf has -1% to reuse skills, you can spam more damage /e allso i can suggest you experimentarium ( l2eu ) and juji lab (l2 ncw) to get some facts about wich class do better in terms of lethal and stats
lethal are completely random... race and base stats dont matter that much since god, if u look for some tests on othels dyes->damage u will see that they dont add such a big difference (while equipement, skill enchant, and hands work much more better). if u really dont have any problem, i suggest you go othell dorf (fortune seeker), since u can do pretty god cuantity of adena on 95+, and they still work fine doing his job on pve partys (wich is lethal), and are also good on pvp.
now with some good stuff elf can reach 85 dex, dark elf 80, but with human and dorf it will be not that easy.
what items did you think of ? so far i need, istian / oct shirt and +15 dex dyes what els give dex ;o?
is it true that there is a breakpoint for " crit skill rate " ? and if so where is the breakpoint at?
70/80/85 dex proper items mean talisman longing/shirt/cloak/octavis braclet/proper type of armor/dyes
the real question is in game experience i will but a small vs say othell gh vs othell wr what do you think ?one crits damge and one hits vital spots easy meaning half kills so in general what do you think its worth starting ?