tags: [quests and drop] the dwarven nightmare continues the testing continues with it, i started by clicking some menus, tully, let me deal with it. purpose: to determine the chance of obtaining earth wyrm heart ring through the quest the dwarven nightmare continues. experiment: 2000 quests the dwarven nightmare continues were completed. the rewards that were obtained can be observed in the table below. conclusion: the chances of obtaining earth wyrm heart ring through this quest are very slim.
also i will be not suprised if they just forgot to delete it from game code formula and u can still get it through this chest and simply sell to shop for several kk adena. however would be nice to get official statement about time when this test was done...
you are not supposed to, but you still get the blessed ones through this quest. we expect it to be fixed soon.
Damn it's somewhat frustrating when you make a test and put all the relevant data into an image which is uploaded to a 3rd party website which automatically deletes pictures after some period