hey there, iam wondering: what is the easiest way to get buffs for lets say doing your daylies (e.g. bloody swampland) after awakening? (never really had this issue, because my main is healer, so i got at least some selfbuffs). my friend just started over a tank and ended up killing mobs in bs buffless (mostly because its not worth partying in bs for that short period of time). so we were asking ourselves is it easier to: a) level up your personal iss enchanter (+always free buffs -fairly long way to get it 85+) b) buy buffs from iss enchanters (+no need to dualbox -always need to spend adena, need to go back to town after 30 mins, no perma-sonatas) c) get a clan with fort/ch (+for free -most clans recruit 95+, didnt have any luck finding one so far, need to go back to town after 30 mins too) d) any other option i may have forgotten so what would you guys suggest me?
i wouldn't worry too much about that daily q in swamp. personally i have an iss box for that, mentored myself - yey mentee coins. i only use it for kartia solo/swamp/nursery. i don't do a lot of solo content because i enjoy partying. you are better off finding a party for soa/kartia group/teredor and other stuff, you ain't missing much when u don't do the daily swamp + solo kartia. if however u prefer to solo, make an iss box, its absolutely worth it. buffless = ouch.. edit: it doesn't take long to level up a sws/bd/warcryer to 85 iss, especially if you camp some raids (watch tv while u camp).
yeah, i have edited my post. basicly, don't roll a prophet just for a iss box, it will be the slowest, all other options are great. doomcryer is probably fastest. side note: also don't roll a dominator if you are clanless :d, or in general as a box it is a bad idea to pick this one