thanks what pictures for the movie edition! new olympiad movie from last october, i had nothing to do with the movie editing, was all chosen by what pictures. troy - olympiads from october 2013 download link: youtube: youtube pov: yul sagittarius 99 duration: 15:24 tracklist: mark petrie - puma punku city in the sea - dead beliefs rave the reqviem - is apollo still alive city in the sea - becoming stronger i see stars - were not in kansas anymore the matches that appear in the movie are the following (by order): vs harts (wynn elemental master) vs pro (yul sagittarius) vs nairoby (wynn arcana lord) vs gravedigger (yul trickster) vs kasyra (tyrr grand khavatari) vs mel (yul moonlight sentinel) vs dictator (yul ghost sentinel) vs kingsize (yul ghost sentinel) vs dontcry (wynn spectral master) vs tzamas (tyrr doombringer) vs glance (othell wind rider) vs vandimion (tyrr doombringer)
like the matches, like the music, love the intro, nice ending. like the info about who vs who is fighting. don't really like this flashy effect ~8 min (i think it was when the match vs kingsize started) - killed my eyes, but i suppose others would enjoy it, just not me :d thanks for video, thx to editor(s) and can't w8 2014 for part 2 :d
nice matches except the last one, there you just stay and hit and take more damage from reflect damage than from the tyrrs skills, that wasn't really a fight^^.
lf some good person who wanna edit my videos, qq i got like 300 oly wins/frapsed and i sux too hard to edit :d? good video tho, u must fight me =)
i watched b4 posted, qq moar all. some enemys like dontcry and nairoby who can actually win archers by nearly 100% dissapointed me but the rest was well played. rest was ofc nice as always
video is very nice, nothing to add more. but im interested from another fact. 29.11.2013 15:24 gmt +1 and thanks for troy video said 4 girls and hax.
troy is my oly jedi padawan trainee. he learned all from me (and a little bit from tauson, but tauson is also nab!) im proud of how he plays now oly!
hax i think i have a fraps of an oly matches the month before u kick toplesse ***,mak0 down agaist sexydream =)