you can get debuffs resisted but not all kinds of debuff. ok, razzly, you insisted - we performed that. good enough. tags: [skills] purpose: to check how final ultimate evasion increases debuff resistance. attackers: wynn arcana lord, iss hierophant, sigel shillien templar, sigel phoenix knight lvl. 99, all skills learned, no buffs, equipped with heavy armor eternal shield target: othell adventurer lvl. 99, all skills learned, equipped with assassin type / light eternal set and eternal jewelry set. the target has no buffs in the first test and uses final ultimate evasion in the second test. test: the attackers will use the following skills against the target: mark of weakness transform lightning root shield wave each skill was used 100 times for each test. in test 1 the target has no buffs; in test 2 the target uses final ultimate evasion. the results are in the table below. {tbody}{tr}skilltest 1test 2{tr} mark of weakness88%87%{tr} transform90%91%{tr} lightning root83%85%{tr} shield wave95%66%{/tr}{/tr}{/tr}{/tr}{/tr}{/tbody} conclusion: out of all the tested skills shield wave has the lowest success rate if the target uses final ultimate evasion.
so, this means that ue description that is reducing debuff chance is either fake, or the skill is bugged and is not giving the desired effect.
it has proven that mark of weakness, transform, lightning root are not considered debuffs while shield wave yes
ok play wynn/iss/tank and try land debuffs on tyr with berserk and dagger with ue+aod. debuff resistance, increased.
for dager ue gives much less than aod momentarily increases speed by 30, p. evasion by 40, skill evasion by 75, critical rate by 40%, and debuff resistance by 80%. casts crippling poison on enemies attacking you. requires a dagger/dual dagger to be equipped. and i somewhere had read that bers gives 90% debuff resistance too.. but ue its only for ue.. (ofc archers ue differs from dagers so maybe archers ue is a bit better)
mark, transform, lightning root are magic debufs, stun is a physical one. that explanation have more sense. so othell ue debuff resist only affects physical debufs
lightning root is a physical debuff. the magic part is a misstranslation. so that does not explain it. rng does however.