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NakedForce Clan Recruiting

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Morgaen, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. Morgaen

    Morgaen User

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    do you have the naked spirit... join nakedforce

    we are already active as a group in mmorpg's since 2001 and europeans who played the game "legend of mir 2" on the dragon server might know us from that game.

    nakedforce is an honorable group of players that enjoy each other's company and hold each other as complete and utter equals. we are loyal to each other above all others and are here because we share the same ideals, values and interests.

    we accept basically every class at every level as long as you show the right attitude. fun ingame is our main goal and we addapt our playstyle to the people we have in clan/alliance so we get the maximum out of this game for most of our members.

    so if you think you have the naked spirit, join us.
    nakedforce, everything is cool as long as you're naked!
    zingir and ReewOxize like this.
  2. hachre

    hachre User

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    i can absolutely recommend these guys to anyone who's looking for a pve clan with a bunch of nice people in it :)
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