hi there! i am thinking of picking up lineage and playing on l2 innova eu server. my biggest concern right now is what class to pick as i have a limited knowledge about it. i want something that kills stuff quite fast and isn't too hard to play, but i also like playing a buffer :d preferably a ranged hero (unless you recommend me to pick swordsinger or a bladedancer. i hope they aren't chore to level up). thanks in advance, cheers!
hi enosh, you should not really rely on somebodie's else opinion because all other people will advice you to: - pick the character that is usually most needed but you might not actually like it after all - pick the character they love but yet again you might not actually like it there are few kinds of characters in the world of lineage ii: - range dd (wynn, feoh, yull) - close range dd (othell rogue, tyrr) - tank (sigel) - healer (aeore) - buffer (iss enchanter) as a feature of god , every character can kill on its own - one better one worse. if you want to kill creeps fast its usually feoh or yull. buffer of healer - not big choice as it is only aeore healer or iss enchanter. and most of the cases - play what you like the most - not what other say its good or needed (unless you are going to play with friends and form a cp right away).