since splicho cannot post it i am doing it instead of him, i usually hate forums and this but i think that some people should be removed as moderators and to avoid this topic being deleted right away i am posting it in section in which this two people are not moderators. from what i c deepblue is the one trying to provoke people and then expect to be treated the way respective moderators should be treated, what i c here is two people who got personal issues and abusing moderator powers. best regards parker
bye bye. first could have been a warning. and the second one, you really deserve it ! note : those private message should remain private as far as i know... so really bad choice to post them !
this are not private messages, it is instant infraction you get after that you get this message, point is that this is personal cose you can see many people who post all kind of stuff and not getting banned, a guy who posted in same topic and had more then 5 posts which were inappropriate and didn't got ban but posts were edited and it wasn't just one. moderators who are having conflicts in game shouldn't be allowed to be on this position since it influence them what is going on in game. and after deepblue provoked splicho cannot expect to be treated properly when she/he banned him for nothing. best regards parker
if you have any problems with a moderator abusing his powers (we are like superman) send a pm to fahrenheit or pst it here topic closed
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.