ok, so i'm wondering about few things 1)will i be able to pole solo early on? i mean, are there any spots for warlord to solo with newbie buffs(aoe spots) 2)did he get boost in pvp? how is he now in pvp? 3)is he worth making? or will it be more effective to create glad? hope you can answer those questions. thanks
1) i think u can start nice solo from 46 on tanor canyon 2) until s grade its doable, but hard, cuz all have majestic, and stun ladnd is preaty low. 2nd - dex doesnt give speeeeeeeeed. im so slow :d 3) no dual sword 4 glad xd
i find it pretty hard to grind as a warlord nowadays, with everyone running around, its hard to gather enough mobs. also, i find the vr effect to be highly nerfed, i find myself hunting mobs that drop herbs only as i can't survive more than 1 pull (and i am buffed by a lv 66+ warcryer, so it shouldn't be that hard).
hello, due to no interest in this thread i'm moving it to archive. you can find there all moved and closed threads. if thread was moved there, and it shouldn't be closed yet, please pm me to move it back to the branch. best regards, piotr 'eska' kostro