i recently got to lv. 90 and figured i'd try out kimerian(normal), so i enter and stumble my way onto the waterfall. here i see kimerian standing in the water outside the waterfall, i attack and when i kill the "^0^" she drops nothing. i have read that stuff hardly drops from that instance, but i kinda feel like i have done something wrong. isnt she supposed to be inside? or is that in "epic"-mode only?
as far as i remember you will find kimerian inside only on epic mode. i could be mistaken tho, it has been months since i did it and i always hated it.
yeah, i can confirm that, kimerian is inside only in the epic mode. but just for information, as a feoh, i farmed a lot in fairies and get something as ~ 100 + item for kimerian epic. i made it everyday ( worth some xp for 3 minutes instance ) and the best thing i ever get was an ewr.
i did +- 10 normal kimerians and +- 40epic ones, all i got was 2 ears, but friend of mine, went on normal kimerian for the 1st time ever with his iss box and dropped apo weapon, so...
in half year normal kimerian 2 ear, 1 ewr, 1x tw shoes epic kimerian 3 ear, 1x seraph earring. as for my friends.. they was lucky and got specter caster/retributer. but it's 0.1% chance to drop )
new questions on the horizon: 1) i found a talking rabbit in there, he asks me a question and i have 4-5 choices. do i get something if i answere correct the 1st time? 2) i also found a npc standing near the "river" wich ends in a waterfall, his name is "taegong kim" but as i approach him, i get ported back to the beginning. doesnt matter from where i approach him(swimming over the river or running up behind him) i still get ported back. anyone have a tip how to speak to him and does he gief free stuffz?