i feel like wanting to atleast try to maximize the dmg output on my oh so boring tyrr maestro. playing with the thought of adding +15 str, - 12 dex. i'd be doing mostly pve since i need to gain levels on the bugger, i take pvp when its served but im not gonna go look for it. from what i understand, str determines the ammount of dmg your crit does. so +15 str with feral ogre and a apo slasher(focus) and im good to go single target-wise? is the choice of dyes a good one, or will i end up nerfing myself? needless to say, i will be rolling with a apo stormer aswell for the group-hugs
i dont know what you mean. it can be cuz of the beers ive been hauilng down my throat or maybe im just ******ed. theres 2 sets of crits right? auto attack crits and skill crits. when trying different "cryes" in k85 solo department i varied between 2500-5800 on pure autoattack with hawk(using blessed apo duals), 2200-6000 with feral and herpderp i dont make any sense anymore. please just tell me in easy engrish what you mean with "non-blow skillz" you can say what you want about that walking l2 dictionary diegovargas, but he do seem to know what hes talking about and he was the one who said, str determines the dmg made by crits. tho i dunno if he meant skill-crits or normal attacks
ok ye i didnt see the "pve part", so i jumped to soon..i meant skills crit dmg power is stuck...i cant rly say for sure if str increases auto-atk critical damage.
don't expect something spectacular with +15 str. the auto-attack difference will not be even worth mentioning ( and that's what you mostly use in pve ).
actually, ppl use more aoe to pve :d, just some rare spots like cr(wich no1 takes a tyrr) and soh single mobs. btw, tyrr titan in epeisodion may use +15 str since it may do normal attack cuz of frenzy.
i have to disagree. con is more useful on tyrr than str. more con means more hp , means 30% for passive boost and berserk is at higher actual hp. moreover , in valiance ( epeseidon 3.5 ) you get 3% passive chance to heal when being hit for 10% of your current max hp. not sure if titan frenzy also is % hp based, but having higher hp, means more dmg on more hp left, which in any situation is a win. overall, from what i am reading, you won't get even a fraction of the patk with +15 str that you are getting anyway from next update ( 30% patk on superior weapon mastery + ~1000 static increase on the weapon masteries you have). the only reason i see of going +str is to maximise skill mastery ( skill crits, reuse, double duration ), for which you need to hit either 125 or 130 str. for most of the people this is nearly impossible or if even possible - too expensive for them.
maybe i was unclear or ppl just dont know how to read xd i will focus on pve, but occasional pvp might occur at times. im not gonna go all in pvp with a lv.87(atm) tyrr maestro, especially not when all i will fight if so is lv.99's(i can have +999 str at 87, i'd not kill a 99 anyway)
maybe i was unclear : don't go str, nothing will change in terms of dps for you. here's how it goes for tyrr : 1. you won't make it into cr lethal parties. 2. you're not gonna make osum dmg on raid bosses. 3. you're a maestro, gives 0 reasons for anyone to invite you to party, unless you craft free shots for them ( which atm most people have anyway as common recipe ). 4. you will have to make your own parties. 5. using skills in pve to make damage with tyrr is a complete waste of time. conclusions : if you want to level in the foreseeable future, do the following : 1. find people for aoe parties. from 87 and up you can always find a spot to aoe. best exp ingame if done properly. 2. get a polearm for aoe ( dmg up ), 2-handed sword for raids ( like in fortunka ). put focus on it, not haste. don't waste time on duals, they're useless. 3. get some normal 2xcon dyes +5. 1 str dye +5 str. or don't get any dyes at all. 4. work on armor first, don't listen to people that tell you to go for weapon first. 5. stick to r95. 2xsa on r95 spear > r99 with 1 sa. 6. maximize your critical chance ( sub/dual skills, jewerly ), and don't ever think of using bear, before having ~450 crit chance. use hawk. ogre for pve is terribad idea, unless you're tanking. if you have additional questions, ask them.
actually best description, advices what i read so far about actual tyrrs. should be on a guide for tyrrs. i'm not a tyrr expert but have one maestro only for a further fun, craft (if they ever will repair the crafting, spoiling system) but with logic and common sense i have to agree with everything what you wrote. btw +con still gives a chance/immunity in % vs stun as i know so far so +con is almost necessary. mass stun, stun can save the whole party especially in pve. as a tank i really welcome a mass stun from a tyrr, have to say everything is welcomed which can stop, slow down mobs from attack. some people just don't realize the importance of mass stun or shadow snare for example.
so far, ive read some time before that con didnt increase physical debuff resist in a noticiable way. con is mostly for +hp, nothing more (even shield def rate isnt that noticiable with +15con).
https://4gameforum.ru/showthread.php?t=763049 its in rusian but in short making +++ con on target feo -dont realy increase resist to physical debufs like shok also here : https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=15092 as for shild def rate https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=14621
is the difference between tyrr warlord and others its "feelable" in aoe? its the coc mental attack earring increase any of tyrr debuffs like disarm or knockdown?