nice thread necromancy, but anyways let's talk about cranes. it's an item you can only get on next chronicle called epeisodeon, and you need to go to hellbound to get that item, exactly, you need to go to desert quarry which is a hunting ground designed to small party. there you will see a lot of mobs, but you will get crane randomly by killing tanya, scarlett, berserk tanya, berserk scarlett and deathmoz. about drop chances, don't know exactly, we will just have to test it by ourselves. ps, small tip to desert quarry, never go there with a full party of 7 people, a mob called immortal tanya may appear and one-shot aoe full party
well actyaly from what i read on ru forum -that immortal tanya appears even if u hunt there whith 2-3 ppl . as for necroposting - it wasnt at old thread few hours ago.
he posted on a thread from january but mod splitted them and moved his question here xdd. about immortal tanya, at least following l2wiki , i read that only appears if a full group of 7 is on that hunting ground, but following patch notes can't see it so, //sumon gm to help us
at ru forum they do have thread obout bugs in episidion u know?! and its not fixed yet there-mb whith new patches-who know /mb its just on ru klient if mod will not delete it i post here a link there-google traslator will help u msg number 302