there are moderators on this forum? im free to insult everybody and post offensive images?? xd it is only 1 question... ok 2 question
but you will punish those who do not comply? ok i will report post d: inapropriate language when: using bad language. please use proper language and keep your posts clean and proper. what: temporary or permanent ban, depending on severity and previous offences. spamming, flaming, trolling when: trying to deliberately offend or provoke other users. do not post any content irrelevant to the topic mentioned in the thread. what: temporary or permanent ban, depending on severity and previous offences. discrimination when: discrimination of any kind. this includes content that could be construed as discrimination against a particular race, natinality, ethnicity, gender, sexual preferences, language, religion, age, group of players ( e.g. rating, experience, mode preference, etc.) what: temporary or permanent ban, depending on severity and previous offenses.
weird question. the whole team is active all the time. we monitor posts and what you write but still sometimes we might miss/skip the answer or we wrongly assume whether something is good or not. in such circumstances you can use "report post" with short explanation why you consider it to be removed (if its nessecery). of course you are not allowed to insult nor post offensive images and you will be properly "rewarded" for such actions. i wouldn't recommend it. regards
reported you for neglecting your duties as moderator, you sir are now reported! moderators and especially supah moderators should be flawless, reported you again just for the sake of it. i r dissapoint