you are right. the 2 lines in "all" chat (caps) and the last one on pm is insult/abuse in greek language. he speaks about mother, death and few other words that i cannot post them public because it's agains the rules. as for the other conversation, i think you can unterstand it - report the incident according to this rules and if anyone wants confirmation, i can confirm it.
i wont waste support staff time with 1 mad ******, i just wanted to know what he wrote + this happened like 2 weeks ago, i just remembered i screened it when i was deleting old screens
you'd better report it. those kinds of players deserved to be banned. it happened to you, it might happen to other people or new players and this is a bannable offense .
what a whiner!!! u or somebody messed up in game, took somebody's mobs, or something like that... so deal with it yourself... don't want to get angry messages after stealing mobs? use command /allblock . or of-course u can come to forum, and u can whine to gm's and all world... also don't forget to put title on your head "whiner"...
i offered him to do oel mahum q daily for him, so i asked him to stop aoeing those mobs and join my pt, he didnnt listen so i put marks on him and he died from mobs, then he launched his hate. i couldnt care less people spaming insults towards me, i just wanted to know what he typed