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Hi I need advice.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by self1, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. self1

    self1 User

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    i'm not really a new player more like a returning one since i like the new update. i'm 86 and doing the daily instances/leveling my first sub but i'm slowly running out of money, atm i don't even have for bssr, so how should a low level player get money, instances good xp sure but you don't really get adena. bonus question: what should be my next goal, there are so many stuff i want like acumen on my weapon, better armor (i have the ones from diploma), noblesse/subs, earring from ceremony of chaos etc.
  2. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    i would go for wynn summoner dual class

    why ?

    he only need 1crystal r (15k adena) per 2200 pet shots to be effective and you dont need more

    you can give him any set you like if its not set with pvp/pve option

    he can farm in spots that other classes can only imagine

    need tonly clan with clan hall buff/fortress buff to be effective

    give your main talisman -15% passive mp consumption

    everyone make use of him, cos he have aoe, strong debuff on single target and sustained physical/magic damage

    you can kill tanks in no time or get a frag in the worst equip ever

    i needed 1 year to get used to my "useless" wynn
    but its profitable dual class
  3. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    first re-welcome.

    i presume that your char is a feoh (based on description), well this is what u can do at your current level:

    kartia, soa, teredor are a must, and u can do it daily. most of the time u get pure garbage, but soa quest give out some element crystal time by time, also, "buy" from teredor npc (adventure guide) the recipes for bssr/ssr, read description before and be sure that you are exchanging adventurer marks for the recipes that are for any class/race, so you can get recipe for craft your own shots (wich will reduce the amount of adena that u spend), and also you can sell it for a good price on ah.

    then you have 2 dailys quest for solo, the one in bloody swampland and the other one on mithril mines, from those 2 quest you can make 1kk aprox each day.

    do zaken/freya when you see it on pt matching.

    lvl up till 90 on stronghold 3 (isle of souls, aka "s3"), its the fastest way to lvl up.

    go for an a apocalypse weapon first, then element, then (if u still have money) go for twilight robe set, or save money for r95 seraph set.

    on the meantime, when u have nothing more to do, lvl up your sub to get noble, and keep doing this till all subs go to 80. and ofc, choose your dual class as you prefeer wich one (wynn is the best one if u wanna farm solo).

    idk how bad adena drop are atm, but till last chronicle dragon valley south was one of the best places for aoe farm (with the big group of worms overthere).

    invest adena on fishing, is a good way (if you have time to fish a good amount of time).
  4. self1

    self1 User

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    thanks for the replies, was very helpful, i dindn't know a lot of those stuff, wynn dualclass is out of question because i'm feoh soulhound but still thank you.
  5. Vonak

    Vonak User

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    at level 90 you have a one time quest in fortuna that gives 40/50kk don't remember exactly.

    you can farm crystals in soa too and sell them

    for coc jewels, if you don't play actively but are in front of your computer you can register in all cocs being afk, just getting 2 coins each time. you'll end with your belt/clip and your needed jewels. (or sell them for 60/70kk)
    BlackWoodz likes this.
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