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Kamaels and A-typical Dual classes

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by tylee123, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. tylee123

    tylee123 User

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    hey guys!
    i''ll get to the point straight away - i am a yul trickster and i really want to have a different dualclass from feoh,tyrr . if i change my class to yul saggitarius (with chaos essence), will i be able to ,for example, sub on dagger or summoner and make it my dual class?
    my other concern is what happens if you already have a duaclass? if u pay your fee, will you be able to sub your desired class right away?

    ty in advance for your time&effort.
  2. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    as a yul trickster with chaos essence you can change to any other yul.but as long as your dual concern you become tyrr or feoh only!when you reach 85 lvl you pay the fee of 100kk and switch to whatever you want(wynn heal tank etc.)when you switch your dual class to your desire class it ask you which path want to follow.for example if you choose wynn it will make you choose what wynn you want to be.if have any more questions fell free to pm me :)
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