blessed requiem buster +4 300 x2 sa octavis shirt +4 top grade seraph belt pvp defence +4 eternal ring +4 2x seraph ring +3 coc earing stun +3 coc earing mental +3 twilight light set +3 3x60 apocalypse bow +3 300 x2 sa blessing scroll r(1) accessory pdef +3 ambudance talisman - outlaw - 2b seraph sigil +3 seraph shield +4 with appearance pm offers here @ forum
u will fast realize diablo 3 is funny only for short period and u will regret u sold all here, specialy with recently amount of pvp : p free bump
it's all about real life, we dont live to play we play to kill some free time, they make l2 like you have to log in right after work and forget to log out, and d3 you can log for 1 hour per day or not @ all just to kill ur free time. i was playing before also d3 i know it will be boring in some period of time, but in that moment of my life is the only game i can play...
don't get me wrong, but i tend to disagree. in both cases, if you want to get at the competitive level you need to spend much time in that game. both, l2 and d3 need lvl and gear, both can be obtained via farming. if you do not want to play that much, then, you won't be on the top 5% of that server, but still, you'll enjoy the game. i came to l2 from a boring d3 game. i for one, won't buy the expansion for now. regards, delryn
guys, this isn't a discussion area, please have your chat in pm's and not hijack trade threads with discussions. regards.