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Coming back, few questions

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Nymphaly, Mar 28, 2014.

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  1. Nymphaly

    Nymphaly User

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    hello everyone :)

    i had to create a new account, i forgot my old one. anyway, i am considering playing a bit more on core. since i barely played here before, i have toooooons of questions :d feel free to answer me if you can !

    - what time is the server ? i am gmt +1 and i am trying to figure sieges / olympiad / coc times

    - i have a summoner 86, but i felt like starting a new character and playing a iss hierophant. so so far i made a subclass on my summoner and level the prophet by following around. does any of you have some tips for me to know ? it seems like nobody is doing raids anymore, so i am grinding mindlessly. getting a bit tired of sea of spores so far !

    - is there any good source for low grade gear (below 85) ? from what i remember when i played here (glory days / lindvior) there was no path to awakening similar to ncwest and i used c grade gear for a lot of time (which is ok on a sumomner, i agree :p).

    - big question, about adena you can guess. basically i identified two sources of making money : zaken each time i can (i even got some moirai stockings this morning *_*) and trying to sign in the ceremony of chaos. is it me or the registration time seems to be a bit random ? or may be i am just lagging.

    - what is the max level difference in party ? i went to soa few days ago (being 86) and their was this iss 99 doing chaos symphony in the party. i got around 1.5/2m xp for each monsters (no pa here, no boost, just a bit of vitality i think) so it didn't see so nerfed. may be i could use that on my advantage ?

    - i am seeing a lot of people ingame selling some talismans i never saw. from what i heard it's a past store promotion, and there is no way to obtain them anymore beside buying them from other players ?

    ty for answers :)
  2. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    hi there and welcome!so i will start answering your questions one by one.

    1)srv time is gmt+0 i think so you can figure out the rush times knowing that ppl work or study.so siege is every sunday late afternoon or early night(depends your gmt.for example i am gmt+2 so siege starts at 21:00 for me) same goes for oly and coc been held at weekend.

    2-3) those questions have been asked many times before and can be answered on the guide that elesmira made which is quite helpful and will enlighten you more than you can imagine https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=27981

    4)about max lvl well i believe 9 lvl difference between characters is more than enough(if its less is even better) cause the higher someone in your pt is the less xp you take.ofc when we talk for a 76 lvl character and an 85-86 iss enchanter for powerlvl at swampland is a total different issue.its pretty fast pwrlvling actually.

    5)those talisman where on store as some kind of event from octomber or november if i am not mistaken till december i think.you can find more info for this past event here if want : https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=22613

    i hope i have helped you and wish you to enjoy your stay!
  3. Nymphaly

    Nymphaly User

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    thanks ! i totally the steel door coin thing, it was pretty useless before. it seems like it got heavily changed, i solved my gear problem 85- at least :d
  4. BeerWarrior

    BeerWarrior User

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    nope, it's gmt+1

    the siege time is 20:00. i'm in gmt+0 and it starts at 19:00 for me.
    daily resets occur at 5:30 for me. pure math.
  5. syzgod

    syzgod User

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    same for me. can confirm the +1 timezone.
  6. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    im soooo tired after work that i cannot answer :(
    but i can tell you 2 things, welcome on core and i still play after 2 years and having fun
    community is friendly so you will get your replies soon enough :)
  7. hachre

    hachre User

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    welcome to the server :)

    all questions have been well answered before so i won't add anything except have fun ;d
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