i used to play on the west servers but after taking a long break, i came back to a withered community and a ton of bots.. even the players left on there forums are telling everyone to not rejoin its that bad.. i was wondering about the state of the game over here, are the bots taking over too? im on east coast usa will i have lag playing here? is it possible to start completely new over here? any other information you feel like adding to help would be welcome.
i dont know about lag but there are also other ppl from usa that play here and their complaints are more or less like ours.usual lags some times etc. well completely start over....hmmm...they say every start is hard.yes its hard to start all over since adena is reduced and prices went too high.you most likely stay with immo event till 95+ but who cares if you find friends and have fun and you like it you will figure a way of obtain all those shiny staff.your choise is yours.welcome from me too :d (even though i dont play anymore)
with premium acc and some vit items new start is quite easy...then it all depends on luck from drops on instances. better way is to get cp asap