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LE Yul Archer still viable?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by KrgWOW, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. KrgWOW

    KrgWOW User

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    first of all, i'm new on l2.
    i'm lvl 88 atm on my yul archer elf. tought elfs has the highest attack speed but what i see is delfs on my party attacking with almost(or the same) attack speed i have. so, they have the highest damage and the highest attack speed?

    friends has told me i will run faster, use skills with low cooldown and walk faster then the others archers. but my regular hit will do less damage, i will die quickly e get stunned easier because of low con.

    so, my question: should i start again with another race? thats not a problem to me. i can do all again. just dont want to waste my time with a weak race on pvp. :(
  2. zosiek

    zosiek User

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    actualy u are asking: does best archer(mby except trick) is not the best

    all got pros and cons. and ms is considerably best option in my pow
  3. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    archers now same as iss, 7-8 place by damage. even tanks hit harder than archers.

    and if you want "pvp char" play necro or dagger.. one is paper but easy and fast xp. and another boring to xp but hit really hard.
  4. KrgWOW

    KrgWOW User

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    ok, gonna delete my archer. just talk to a dark elf archer 99/99 and she says on that chronicle elfs are the best archers to mass pvp. human maybe for oly. and she says that i should have keep it my old skills, rapid fire and rapid shot. and i didn't because i don't know **** about this game :mad::mad:

    guys, please. help me. i always play as a rogue in all mmos, but long time ago(c3 i guess) i got a ghost hunter 77 but always like archers on this game. i want to do a dagger(dont want to do bss characters because i really really **** at doing money and i just bought a tw +3 set). so, on daggers thing, the dwarfs... 2 questions:

    they really **** on pvp compared to other daggers?
    spoil will help me to do money?

    in fact, could you guys tell me the difference between race for daggers? it's basically the same of archers? if it is, wind rider should be the best one?

    because i have problems even to buy soulshots on my archer, imagine with a dagger, who is called for many players by: ss machine lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
  5. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    archer is more weak atm than mage or dagger however in next update he gonna get boost again, so i am laughing from all those ppl who keep reroling and before they chars will be 99/99 with proper items there will be new update and archers gonna be more or less equal again. if u love dagger so much take him then it is strong class however u know how this stuff work in mmo, that range atack in some specific situation is always advantage. if u want take dagger for pvp dont try even think about spoiler. he is very weak compearing to other daggers. rest are depends on your playstyle. race doesnt rly matter cause u can simply buy chaos esence and choose other dagger being still same race, so take what stats are nice for you.
  6. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    true, all this concern for "oh which class is best" and next update u will cry u get owned easily.
  7. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    i cry every patch for what they doing to my wynn
    on actuall patch what drives me crazy is too high transfer pain, 72% or smth like that makes you get 1 shoted by othell cos it doesnt works, every feoh kite you like a baws with 2 second reuse blink, tyrr heal on your pets when under effect of berserker and with instant gap closer, archer evade every summon hit, actually your pets are just make yul open counter critical and dual skill, then you get couple skills and you dead

    basically on open world, wynn is just a walking sack of ****

    when i will get some love ? :(
  8. Lunetta

    Lunetta User

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    isnt this thread about yuls? btw everything is between chair and keyboard :p
  9. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    oh right, i forgot :dd

    so to op, as you can see now critical damage does not work on yul skills.
    to kill target from autoattacks you would need half year and probably they kill you before that

    so in my opinion what archer need is high cirital rate and attack speed

    if you will have main yul moonlight sentiel or start fresh dual class yul moonlight sentiel be sure to keep 4 skills up to 99 lvl, even after 99 i would still keep them

    first is rapid fire (for 2 minutes, increases p. atk. by 62 and atk. spd. by 20%. decreases range by 50%. requires a bow. ) , you need to keep it instead of mind eye (for 1 minute, opens the eye of infinity to increase accuracy + 40, critical rate + 250, and critical damage + 130%.) as we know that critical damage will not affect ur player kill potential
    rapid fire is permanent buff wich is allso better in long time pvp

    next is rapid shot (increases bow atk. spd. by 8% for 20 minutes.) instead of quick fire (for 20 seconds, increases atk. spd. by 50% and decreases p. atk. by 15% when equipped with a bow/crossbow.) rapid shot is allso permanently and does not giving minus to ur p attack, its nice when youre stacked archer with hig p attack, you no need downgrade

    now as 3rd skill i would advice to keep death sting (shoots an arrow that is aimed to kill. attacks the enemy with 24306 power added to p. atk. over-hit possible. critical hit possible. requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped.) instead recoil shot (shoots an arrow with 24888 power added to p. atk. to knock back the target. requires a bow or crossbow to be equipped. over-hit. critical. chance of canceling the enemy's target.) 12 s vs 30 s reuse helps you with damage and knock back doesnt matter if target have purge or any anti debuff on him, what only matters is to kill your target as fast as possible give him max damage you can give

    last one is keep detection instead of flare

    now when you hit lvl 99 you can freely change class for trickster to get actives/passives that give you pvp damage
    but untill 99 yul ms its better for pve and with skills you keept

    and now, if you wanna play oly i would learn quick fire minds eye and flare, recoil shot, they are obviously better skills when you have not full buff

    with this setup you can get nice damage on mass pvp or when you go gank ppls, but its not really viable for oly

    overall le yul archer is still viable i would say, for me its superrior and bugged archer cos other archers with learned all skills need crossbow to cap attack speed, you can get max with bow wich is wtf mode when comes to skill spam, ur target dont get when he died

    you can disagree its only my personal opinion and i dont do oly/coc anyways on yul, for me archer was king of siege and open wold pvp since c4
  10. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    as u see im wynn, and i know what u mean, its hard to accept...but im just a 7v7 class now. nothing more.
  11. stryk

    stryk User

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    screw what is fotm, i had moonlight sentinel dual with all the skills zebedin mentioned left from 2nd prof and i just reset it to wynn because archer was so boring to play i couldnt handle it, so as above - screw what's fotm, play what you enjoy
  12. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    ms base is the best(rapid shot + rapid fire you easy get 1500), followed of trickster base, using xbow maintaning fast attack(+12% attack sped for xbow). both can reach 1500 attack speed perma, and have the highest dex stats, thats the best for archers nowdays.
    i dont like to keep death sting. why? cuz of range. it's 900 while recoil has 1100, it will be tottaly bad to always walk more to shoot it, cuz of lower range and you easy enter other ppl range faster. i agree with detection.
    and even in olly is better rapid shot + fire, cuz if you have attack speed rings, you get closer to 1400+ attack speed with knight. trickster can acquire 1500 i think, cuz xbow is faster than bow and have haste s.a.
    btw, rapid shot is 12% attack speed, when it's lvl 2.
    Zebedin and boueniczr like this.
  13. Cursed

    Cursed User

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    im so glad all this classes own u wyns so hard, they just take revenge for poor tanks u just love to kill inside oly .
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