i keep seeing people reporting scammers, also the messages saying we will not be reimbursed if we are scammed. i can understand the reimbursement issue, since as certain people told me it can obviously be abused. that said i feel there should be a zero tolerance rule when it comes to scamming. there are people pay real money towards this game. scamming someone out of items they paid for can be considered against the law in cases. while i understand that the adena or items cannot be given back, i feel that there should be a punishment for the scammer even if the items are not returned. scam someone once = 1 week ban twice= 1 month ban 3 times= perma ban
so how you solve situation when one guy in naia sold bless antharas for 1200$, but he made one stupid mistake. he sent item before when he get money. and ofc he get 0 from that guy. what about that?
only noobs or newbies hand over items before they get paid 1question, how can u get scammed in this game, besides someone scams drops during random raiding ?
order from l2 store items as test, he sends you item you paid for, you order more and he still sends you and on 3rd time, when you already feel comfortable and order huge chunk of items, he just scams you off.
|no it cant. because you chose to trust or not to trust someone. if you send someone item as a gift and expect, only by trust, to get paid for you only prove that this is not scam. if you pay real money for l2 items (its ok for l2 store) why you sell them for adena??? use them. if it was like this, they would just put l2 store - 100kk adena for 10 euro. selling and buying adena for real money is illegal action. by selling l2store for adena is only your responsabilty.
closing thread as there were already many threads on the same issue. scamming is part of the game, you trust who you trust and it is your responsibility. we will only take action towards people who have suffered as a result of an account being hacked...and that means hacked and not shared with another person.