now in woa running around bot. admins if u have time go and check it. and yes this screen means nothing, video is uploading to youtube, soon i will post it here.
again, u should write nickname and all according info to support if u want to achieve something, and let them investigate this issue for upcoming 4 months
we need a new plague, seriously. how many times its needed to be said to report it @, this place is just a forum nothing more. suggestion adding 50 pt large text banner, saying report a bot and redirecting to support, otherwise these won't understand.
no thank you. i will not go to support. i will make everything publicly. i will record video of bots, and i will post video for everyone to see. only with publicity admins will do better job. and another thing, this topic was to contact admins, so they themselves could log to game, and see this bot in action. here's the video.
well then nothing will be done if u won't report this to support, so ur work here is useless and u talking bout publicity, but made ur video private, good job
all bot reports are to go through support please, forum staff do not deal with in game issues. regards.