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Kamael Soul Hound (F) - which S gears - and further.. (armor/weapon)?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Ritara, May 7, 2014.

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  1. Ritara

    Ritara User

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    well the tittle lays out the problem. but in short - my issue is mainly about men and wit - and mostly about mp - i will explain more closely shortly.

    i am not so much into pvp - i took this class because she is a 'fighter wizard'. well yes - when considering dyes she is considered fighter (that means she can't use a wizard dye, for example +2men/-2wit). but then in class tree she is a wizard - and i really like that idea of one with a rapier. pointing out - i have played her maybe some bit differently than people generally do - idk. i don't know anyone with that same class.

    when i reached level for a armor - i took tallum leather armor - and enchanted part of the set to +4. (in case you don't remember the armor stats... mp recovery rate +8%, max mp +222, resistance to poison/bleed +80%, men+2, and wit-2.) at the time i just did not want to be poisoned and bleed to death - lol - i still like that.

    as it turns out the addition to my mp with this armor i could spam my skills quite bit and make trains out of the poor mobs - lol. i did not even need to constantly run, i could stop and let them come and kill them one by one, especially with my man's assistance. (i play mostly in a party with my man.) the thing is - i haven't really had the experience about considering my kamael to be 'paper' - like wizards generally - and i have found use for many of her magical skills as well. great fun.

    yes i have read the threads a bit, so can you people please assist me with this with out telling me to google things. as far as i know people do use different a - armor on a kamael than i chose to do.

    from tallum leather armor, bit enchanted, i get total 5636 p.def. and from dynasty leather (haven't had time to work on the enchantments) for example 5960 p.def. (dynasty leather armor stats are as follows: con -1; dex +1; accuracy +1.72; evasion +1.72; max hp +418; resistance to darkness +6. opens a cloak slot.)

    the p.def. is not bad - but trouble rises with the change in mp ->> tallum leather 2666 and dynasty leather 2433. argggh! (yes - i do speak about it without any buffs - and i think i have part s, part a jewelry equipped so that would explain some bit those stats. how ever - the jewelry is same in both cases.)

    i think i will make me a dynasty one handed sword to change that into a rapier as i do not like how slow that dynasty staff is. besides it looks stupid when she attacks hitting the mob with it - duh! one of kamael's strengths is supposed to be that speed. making that sword is not a problem - but i am some bit skeptical about what to really do about this too. i think i look for some experiences about the choices people have made with their kamael soul hounds (f).

    the first issue how ever is that dammed armor problem. i factually like what that tallum does - the men+2, and wit-2 included. the smallest annoyance is what dynasty does to constitution (-1con) - it is not bad as such with the other stats it gives. but i would prefer not to change the play style.. i don't like to run with my main wizard either. i know to maintain my mp. besides it isn't just to know to maintain the mp - but the hp as well - but then again i am not complaining about the life bar - now i am.

    that kamael is supposed to be physical - so she will need to stay close the kill. sure i can run (as the tactic), but its boring to go to collect the loot scattered all over - so i prefer the mobs to come to me and die right at my feet or follow me until its time for them to die (yes sometimes i will try to keep them alive long enough). it is possible to play like that - or just choose where it is dense enough a spot, aggravating some few to arrive around the same time. well that is my preference - but to the point.

    i find it is nearly impossible to get that mp given by tallum back to nice level with an s-lvl armor - not forgetting the tallum's poison and bleed resistance - or that recovery rate. i would love to figure which armor would do something similar at any levels higher - starting from s. or some other way. see - with my try with that dynasty light armor - i got that she will use half of her mp - in a flash. seriously, at lvl 77 she is still better off with the tallum than dynasty in that sense. a soul hound is a wizard after all and mp is kinda essential for one - as maintaining the life bar is easier than regaining used mp, which is needed to protect that hp.

    i would appreciate people sharing bit experience. it is my first kamael, but by far not the first toon. so please do take in consideration, that i really like that tallum leather armor for my kamael over other a-armor options - so i would prefer such result for s and further too.

    thank you. :confused:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014
  2. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    are you stuck on gracia chronicle?

    you can go to level 85 on c-grade. you put waaaay too much effort into this post. why is 230mp an issue?

    this is not even a case of telling you to google, it's more of a case to read the entire lineage2 forum and sites. you are worrying about things nobody considers. you level to 85 on auto-hit and then is when you gotta worry about mp. also when you reach 85 you become a complete wizard, no more physical skills or hits.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014
  3. Ritara

    Ritara User

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    yes one can think like you apparently do. i like to get my gears the closest to what i prefer. and i liked that extra bit of mp. i got the impression you want me to just follow the lead of others to do same - oh well... i am actually one to want to think about this - it is my right no? so i made the question - but not to be told it would not matter to you. it most likely wont matter to much any - but i would appreciate that the question is considered - not bounded with some verbal hammers.
  4. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    you're asking for some sharing experience on something people do not bother to do.

    it is no more than asking " should i have more 10 p atk or 10 p def?" the values you point out are so meaningless and unoticable that there is noway anybody can share an experience about it besides the "go for mroe dps, no point to waste time thinking on mp".

    actually if u wanna play how you want, no point to ask, cause any answer wont give you any hint, since you will only follow ur way of playing in the end.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014
  5. shnaii

    shnaii User

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    well, i see you put a lot of effort into this post ritara and i have one advice for you: save all the money you get for 85+, don't waste it on items u will use for 2 days, no point, really >_<" unless you intend to play on 85- char forever @_@
  6. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    you have really no reason to focus on that stuff. just get w/e gear you can from steel door quests (for free) and lvl up as fast as you can till 85. atm l2 starts after 85 (or even later actually)
  7. Ritara

    Ritara User

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    well 240 is a small difference yes... i took my main to awakening with a-gears. but then i got into making bit trade in game and so on, and its a long story. shortly i already have some few armor sets - also a few higher ones. like i said kamael is new for me - and i find it bit fun to try to collect and make best sets i can. sure some will have better than i know for sure, but we were into enchanting even when the enchantments was bit hard to get. i do what is with in my reach, so i am interested in that. the rapier before mentioned is now crafted and i took care about that men part with a silly hat - hope they did not put rl looking things in there. thanks for being concerned about my cash, eh. yes sometimes it takes a lot of doing to get a thing. but that aside - i am bit feeling no-one will say much more.
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