hi there, recently i've started to use pa, therefore i'm lf some good advice how to use extra pots/runes/etc. to maximize my gaining exp at lvl 61-85? i know some items/buffs/etc. are stacking with each other (not sure which exactly). also which items are good vs spent money on them? what i'm lf is most balance items/money/time. thanks for any help.
omg, most pple using them and none can answer/help ? seriously ur first to flame each other, but last to help .. can close as lack of serious answers. ty.
exp rune 1-85 stacks with exp rune 1-99, it stacks with nevit 50% xp buff, it stacks with emperor scroll ( 30% xp ), it stacks with vitality pots ( maintaining pot, replenising pot, warm breeze ) and it stacks with mentor buff ( 50% ) +ur pa stacks too:d
effective way? get 76 and a friend summoner 85 with iss, use all those items and go altar of evil power lvl :d
wynns r bad/no effective in altar.nvm that. i'm a bit lost here with word "stack" .is it mean that e.g. rune 100% + 50% =150% ,or 100% coz its stacking? thanky for any answers.
all those effects i mentioned above work together what i mean: (xp rune 1-85lvl 100% xp)+(xp rune 1-99lvl 100%xp)+vitality+premium account+( nevit 50%xp)+(emperor scroll 30%xp)+(mentor buff 50%xp )= 530%xp boost if i am right, which means - example: mob without anything gives u 100k xp and if u activate all the items mentioned, the same mob will give u 630k xp ( or 530k dont know ) 1-85lvl 100% xp rune is part of vagabond kit ( 1.09euro ), paagrio warm breeze(1h vitality pot, works like vita herb-u gain xp from mobs - u regen vitality ) and 1-99lvl 100%xp rune is part of elder kit (1.09euro), nevit ( aka xp 50% buff 1h ) - 0.55eur or 0.99eur for 2h version, emperor scroll cant be bought from l2 store, only from players for 5-6kk
oh! at last! thanks a lot! now all those items/rules makes some sense. sorry for bothering, but i'm quite new in this matter, still learning. small edit: how works dragon buff with all above, coz i still have some on chars and don't want to lose any rune. again big thanks for patience of yours.
dragon buff doesnt stack with nevit, it overrides it, so if u have char with dragon buff on, do not use nevit xp 50% on it
visit ah (auction house) and/or go in aden and check player's shops regarding vp/store items. (vp = vitality points) about leveling, you can check epeisodion leveling guide made by elesmira as well as the path of awakening guide made by razzly on how to obtain armor/weapon with ingame coins. real game starts after 85 actually. if you need anything else, feel free to ask! oh, and welcome to core !
hello darma to u too actually i'm on core more than 3yrs thanks for advices also those two guides r ok, just ok (for total beginners) ,a bit out of date/data, but still useful regrds