well mostly for pvp i'm asking ,i'm not sure if that what u asking cause from my view tyr warrior's are good class for pvp ,but people play more other dd's
hmm solo pvp or mass pvp it might sound bit stupid as question ,but what u mean dmg role , smth like ma?
well dmg role..is highly unlikely actually, i should have said ma, ye. anyways my opinion, i find str to be 90% useless on tyrr, 90% because the bonus are too small or you need excepcionally good gear( and a ****load of str to begin with) to notice diference. however every free str( the 10% useful part!) u can get that doesnt sacrifice con, is always welcome.
hmm so i should go for +15 con +3 str .. it would be more use for me , then +15 str cause of small bonus if i understand u good anyways ty fo answering