as i'm new to god and i have no idea about the new certification system i'd like to ask which certifications are optimal? is there multiple choices or is there are there just specified cookie-cutter certs? which subs would you roll as sigel st?
u can get any subs, as u get same certificates from them at 65/70/75/80 lvl. but u still can make useful subs, like 1 sub 80lvl for zaken instance (when your main and dual 90+ already ) difference between dual subs only in special shadow (limited time) talismans for ke in fortress/castle, but i don't think it big diff for tank. for example, wynn/iss can get r special talisman - decreased mp consumption (when equipped, mp consumption -15% for physical and magic skills), and it is really useful if u have main healer, as u can use it on main too