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Class Statistics

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Dobrutro, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. Dobrutro

    Dobrutro User

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    as you see i'm new here. game already downloading and maybe you could advice me in choosing proper class. i'd like to play something "original", this class not must be solo friendly. but as the old veterans for sure you seen lots of players and can answer below question.

    what class in your opinion is most unique, most rare met? as newbie i'm asking about 2nd/3rd class direction, not final 4rd. and "statistic" i'd like to know must be the main character. from section about server was info about iss enchangers and aeore healers but what lower class this mean?

    addicional question, whats with tank class? do server is overpopulated with them from mains and subclasses? i always more feel like heavy armor dude, not "pigama party" one.

  2. Deleu

    Deleu User

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    aeore healers are elven elders, bishops and shillen elders.
    iss enchanters are prophets, sword singers, bladedancers and warcryers. as for dominator, they brought back the old "clan buffer". with the recent change, iss dominator will only buff clan members and is currently not so much of use for party members without an actual party iss-typed class.

    i'm relatively new in here and i find it easy to see parties in the matchmaking searching for healers and iss enchanters to do stuffs. specially healers 93~97 or so. but regardless of that, i would totally advice in favor of playing a class that you enjoy playing, even if it means that the server is full of it. there's always one party for you to fill and play. keep in mind that the news we have from developers is that they're bringing back the class diversity (read spoiler to understand)

    if you're away from lineage 2 for more than 3 years, you're probably not at all familiar with the 4th classes. when they were first released in december 2011, lineage was resumed in 8 classes (healer, buffer, tanker, dagger, archer, mage, fighter and summoner). that means that eva's saint and bishop had practically no difference at all except for the human vs elf race status.
    now we've got all 35 classes back and the promise is to diverge them as more updates are released.

    premium account and a few vitality or xp boost items from l2 store will help you to awake in no time. after reaching 60~ish, try to always visit von hellman at in-game midnight (every 4 hours). it gives a great xp and the boss is level 71. also it's worth to mention that basically all field bosses from 40 to 85 are giving great xp. specially at 80~85. i killed lian at 81 and got about 230%, ending up at 83. real game starts at 85.

    also, the dual class is the one which you can also awake. which means, you can have 2 classes 99 in your main character, allowing you to play high-game with 2 different typed-classes (one of the 8 mentioned in the spoiler above).
  3. Dobrutro

    Dobrutro User

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    yesterday i was in mode to quit, but i want to give another try to lineage 2. there are any raid bosses below 40 lvl like in old days? i want to have some old times fun, not leveling to 40 in few hours.
  4. Vonak

    Vonak User

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    i think they still exists, but the problem will be to find ppl to do them.

    lv1..40 is like 2 hours. the first ppl who bother to kill rbs are near level 50, and most of them are 70+.
  5. Deleu

    Deleu User

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    well, there is, but there are not enough low level people for them most of the time. in fact, until you reach 60+, most of your leveling-up will be alone. at least there are the daily quests now that gives you a good amount of xp and you do it everyday. the main reason why 60+ ppl gather together is for raid boss camping. bosses at this level start to be really worth it
  6. Dobrutro

    Dobrutro User

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    i visit already two zones where was low level raid bosses, nothing there. they propably delete all below 40 lvl, can someone confirm this?
  7. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    for <40lvl raids you need party?
  8. Undressed

    Undressed User

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    i saw some of rbs on below 40lv... if you can find the raid on the raid boss list, and its not there - some1 allready killed it.

    it would be pretty hard to kill them solo, tryed a couple today - and it was pretty painfull and didn't sucseed in killing them. so prolly best to ateast find one person and kill it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2014
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