[quests and drop] wailing caverns? winston churchill? water closet? working class? women's college? wing commander? wondrous cubic, guys, relax. purpose: to reveal all possible prizes and chances of getting them when using wondrous cubic. during the experiment we have used wondrous cubic 10000 times. the prizes and their drop chances can be found in the table below. iconitemquantitydrop chance, %mysterious fragment102810,28%shiny cube fragment armor (b - grade)7877,87%shiny cube fragment weapon (b - grade)7347,34%cube fragment weapon - s7337,33%shiny cube fragment armor (a - grade)7107,10%shiny cube fragment weapon (a - grade)7027,02%cube fragment armor - s6896,89 %cube fragment armor -r6346,34%cube fragment weapon - r6056,05%cube fragment weapon - a5955,95%cube fragment armor - a5745,74%cube fragment armor - b5345,34%cube fragment weapon - b5205,20%shiny cube fragment weapon (s - grade)5195,19%shiny cube fragment armor (s - grade)5065,06%shiny cube fragment armor - r770,77%shiny cube fragment weapon - r530,53%
shiny cube fragment armor - r / 0.77% lol what a big suprise? i care shiny cube fragment than others but very low get even one so delete wondrous cubic from inventory