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New player (solo/duo) advice

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by xlapa, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. xlapa

    xlapa User

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    hello, i would be interested to know if there is a class/duo combo that would be able to level up "easy enough" till high level 98+ doing mostly duo/solo exp and specula/kartia/etc.
    instances will be the add up..
    since i am aiming to focus a lot in solo/duo exp.

    is it possible ?
    whats the best class/duo combo for it ?
    it will be way worst than finding and exp with a party ? (for example 5 hours duo/solo farm = 2 hours party farm ?)

    then what ? i mean.. i am 98-99 level with a dual sub 95+ and then ? i will be able to find random parties ? cp is a must to have fun/join a good clan/improve ? worth the effort ?

    thanks in advance, paka88
  2. Undressed

    Undressed User

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    well, first i think its best not to just to take a class witch is ''eazy to lvl'', but a class that you enjoy playing with.

    but for your questions, if you want to do solo exp you will need to have an iss box, and personaly i think group exp is always the best and fastest (or so it is for me).

    for not having a big wall of spam - the most hardest classes to lvl up in my opinion would be tyrr, domi iss and maybe wynn. cuz no1 really takes them to the best exp places at higher lvls.

    you will be able to find random parties at the big lvls, but ofc if you want epics/pvp/improve even better you will need a cp for it. and i think you can have fun w/o cp, just need to find friendly clan/ppl in the game. and lastly if you need cp to join a good clan - depends on what you mean with good. but i can guess you mean the biggest clans in server - and for those ofc, you can't do so much there w/o a cp.
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