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Automatic soulshot/spiritshot consumption - problem

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by Joxer, Dec 20, 2011.

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  1. Joxer

    Joxer User

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    last time i have faced small problem related to automatic soulshot/spiritshot consumption. ss/bss isn't consumed every hit/spell. look on attached screenshot.
    my internet connection isn't overloaded (utilisation is lower then 1%) and ping to l2 server is low (i have lags very rarely). does somebody know how to resolve the problem?


    after two weeks still no answer - thank you dear staff for perfect support.
    as i know the problem is called sslag and now most of people expect the problem. playing with it doesnt have any sense. event creating items became a big problem. congratulations for absolutly perfect maintaining of the server and event attempt to help players. won't even mention bugs in cruma tower.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2012
  2. Kall

    Kall User

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    good day,

    you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here.
    additional instructions could be found here.
    if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the thread back into the main branch.

    best regards,
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