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Just expressing my opinion, no hate :)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Vango, Jul 10, 2014.

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  1. Vango

    Vango User

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    hello core community.

    a couple of days ago, being bored and all, my mind went to lineage. since it was some months i didnt play anymore i felt somehow nostalgic for the endless xp grinding and the boring instances (crazy i know huh). anyway i went into my browser, typed only "eu" and the auto complete was filled. i thought to myself, "eh what the heck, ill give it a try once again, it might actually have changed a bit, for good of course". after waiting for 3-4 hours the download was finally finished. started the game...eh my good old duelist, good memories pwning 2-3 higher lv noobs in oly ^^

    sadly the excitement didnt last long. i spawn in aden, and first thing i notice it was a massive lag spike. -"funny, almost never had problems. who knows, server might have issues"- but nah, too good to be true. my eyes catch a good ammount of people selling shops with the sign "riot". lol, "funny" i said. i headed to the forums read all about the "riot" emergency. i busted out laughing xd "virtual revolution!" actually is more pathetic than it sounds heh. netherless i got back to the game. i saw i got kicked from my last clan, and started shouting for a new one. i open the party room, what the... "mmocash mmomoney mmochinesebots" -cmon, where the hell are the gms?- sigh...ok lets get that past too, maybe someone, in the future will do something bout this.

    after fooling around for a couple of hours, and finding a new clan i head over to the l2 shop, maybe some new cool stuff is added. i always like to spend some small cash for cosmetics, no big deal...what the..shirts?? they added the shirts? hmmm ok i guess they can be bought with adena. let me get back to the forums read some stuff, i actually need a break from the game. "shine bright like a..." whaaaaaat? are you kidding me? really? really????? what is this ncwest? lol pathetic, i even read bout that guy who spent like 100 euros and didnt get even a +7 shirt...god what a dense piece of meat tool. sorry innova, **** like this made me quit ncwest in the first place. might as well add some dragon weapons on l2 store, server is turning to a private one anyway.

    just wait, who knows people might actually start using xxxxxx, and not getting banned after spending 600 euros like the dense tool i mentioned above lol. lag spikes, botting running free, adena sites advertising, gms replying sarcastically "p2w", nah sorry i didnt sign in for this. i had no problems spending some cash on core, basically for supporting even the developers. cosmetic stuff, appearance even the premium account service, but to actually pay to get stronger with 5 skills who make you a monster is ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.

    eh that was my 1 day journey coming back to lineage. "program files, lineage 2, uninstall". if the gms ever shake their head and actually fix this server again, send me a message, i might return ^_^. as i said this was just my opinion, no hate. good luck and have fun innova :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2014
    IamDan, Darma, BeerWarrior and 3 others like this.
  2. iRayDeN

    iRayDeN User

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    i'm playing here around 1 year and the last 5 p2w events are the killers of server, i play here only because im bored and my cp plays too (they are burned too)

    +999 same opinion, appearances and some stuff of vitality or cosmetic yes!(i pay only pa account and esmerald app on my blunt) no soul aq/orfen, blessed r99 weapon/armors, bottles of baium,valakas and antharas, items to up +6 +8 armors more easy, talisman - longin and shirts no thx!!!!!

    see the riot post, ppl donating around 20k euro around????????????? wtf that brain damaged ppl, i can't play with those ppl, armors pvp +11? weapons pvp +7+8? full set of souls epics... neh impossible, enjoy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2014
    IamDan likes this.
  3. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    "alwayz da conflict, no matter the era..." like one god of shinobi liked to say xd

    just play and enjoy the circus or leave... l2 is not fair, humanz is not fair, life is not fair... but reality is! crying about it woun't help.
  4. max11

    max11 User

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    the server is going every week worse. they put soul epic jewels , they put armors, they put lucky stones. now they have shirts.
    i noticed from that time all these p2w happened that people in olympiad have +6 and more armor and now with +10 shirts top skills that a usual customer of server (premium account) cant compete them. what next? brooch system?
    every week more players stop play so with your attitude you will left with 100 donators and you will became ncwest.
    IamDan likes this.
  5. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    so you crying that you haven't enough euro for participating to events?
    i'm also on low budget but i don't care at all about this op/p (over powered/priced) stuff
  6. max11

    max11 User

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    its not about crying. its about server life.
    look at ncwest they are one two steps worst than here. what they succeed when they put p2w items or letting bot scripters??
    some they said back then . i dont care i dont spend one euro. but now for them also servers are full of bots , scripts +16 weapons +10 armors. and people left and came here.
    we are in the same road as ncwest. only less bots we have .
    if you notice then every week less people play . spots empty....
    IamDan and nedyDymn like this.
  7. SweetDreamZ

    SweetDreamZ User

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    the sad thing is,
    first wave of ncwest ppl coming core : lets start fresh cause i will be uber by the time others come . cashed out on ncwest to have 5-10k euros from bots to be available here.
    2nd wave: ohh nice euro server without bots lets join that will be fun again.
    3rd wave : qq no more lowbies , normal ppl to kill around on ncwest lets go core and massively spend our botted money on there to have 200b within 1 month with the incoming uber nice events.
    4rd wave: qq ncwest dead lets zerg core like the dudes before us did. it seems we will be powerhouse cause botted money never ends.

    current date: ......ppl like nyweris say cry cry crying while its a statement but i guess he never finished english lessons at school or else he would know when its a statement or crying or complaining.

    no pay = no win. free to play but not free to win unless you pay. welcome to lineage2 :d "milk the cow lineage 2 model"
  8. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    well. if one day staff decides to kill server they will add d:ewr to l2store. for example 20eu or how much cost that king's kit. so xp/sp rune dewr and some more stuff. and gg :)
  9. SweetDreamZ

    SweetDreamZ User

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    i must ask, have you ever had or looked at 1 dewr scroll ? why bother with dewr scrolls when ancient scrolls are the same but also increased success on top ?
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