as a regular spy in ru forum i saw this today: и завершится, предположительно, 29 июля 2014 года с установкой обновления ertheia на боевые серверы. so to me it seems there will be no pts on russian server. they have ertheia on the test server and i can enter and play it, but my char is lvl 1, no gear, no adena. and my question is can we have pts because it is kinda good to test the new race skills before we start leveling one in the real server. and by pts i mean lvl 99(100) character with gear.
who told you we're gonna have ertheia in less than 3 months from now, considering our gm and technical team?
also ncwest announced it. 30/07/14 ertheia live. so seems like core won again. btw ru servers got also event till ertheia update. no fee for teleports, rbs respawn reduced to half, no pk or karma etc.
hello everyone, just a very small update for you all. there will be a pts for the new update but at this time we can not be any more specific about the details. we will update you about when and how long etc etc the pts will be closer to its implementation. regards.
according to that we should get at last ertheia on pts. ncwest got the same translation what he have on core. and they got is faster. so if translation is alredy done. why ncwest got it faster then we, when answer is "we are trying to do our best to ensure the best version possible". so we are not good as ncwests server and we can be treat like worst? or innova dont want make update as fast as ncwest ? to be honest i waiting for ertheia loong time. and here is no info even for pts...
innova are always translating first for russian servers, than for eu. instead of complaining why don't you get prepared for the update? go check for drops and skills. go check russian forums for l2 store updates.