strike's the enemy's unprotected back with 59321 power and additionally inflicts bleed. over-hit. critical hit. half-kill. requires a dagger or dual dagger. enchant duel: increases pvp power. + 10 duel increases power during pvp. i have all attack skillz now +10 on duel ,but how many extra damage do i deal now at pvp whit duel i only want to know how much extra damage it is : + 10 duel increases power during pvp.
you get 1% bonus dmg per + on duel in pvp, in addition you deal more dmg because of higher skill power, so at least 10% more
if you tested it yourself you should know that damage variation is around 20%, but i guess you are right +0 pin point has around 32k, at +10 its 40k so around 25% more dmg, but since duel adds on top 1% per enchant its 25%+10%, so around 35%more damage. i do not know where your number is from, but theory confirms it!