hello, i am a intrelude player and i am just wanna give a try here i wanna thanks' all of you guys for ur wonderful posts that let me think and decide bout what class will fit me more and about that godlike guide exp in the current patch...i hope that the community in game is as good as this guys here in forum,so please if any1 can tell me about the server sutiation i would be pleased.also who wanna be my mentor and answer a lot of my questions ig when i finally download it with my 60kb/s
hello i came here a while ago already and i have to say enjoy it. meet many nice people already. at the moment i find it a bit quiet ingame but my guess is that it's due to summer time and many people test the new race on ncwest out. but otherwise i have never trouble find party for my dailies or raids
community in the game is defenetly betta... just a side of it... a small one... ether way - welcome, always lovely to have more new players. and since i'm new here aswell, kinda, the first thing i noticed when i came was that people do not communicate so much in the game (or so it seems for me coming from ncwest, where there would always be some nice spammers)... so, i hope you will find a nice and fun group to play in, since it does make the game much much betta. ^^
thnx guys , @babymantis could u please gimme any infos bout this etheia class? the only thing that i know is that it can be awaken in 2 new classes... @undressed well i came with a group here tbh ^^ so who is up for this mentor thingy?:d
i' full with mentees ^^" but you can still pm me ingame for question just search for psychomantis i don't bite xd well i only tested the new race till lvl 61... (then i couldn't stand the bad situation of the servers anymore and came here) till then it was pretty much spam 1 skill on the mage hehe. i decided i wait to test the race when we get here the pts or when it goes live.
well dude, u shouldnt say smth like that ! i am usually the best spammer when it comes to off topic things and ruining topics or chats ;p so u r sure bout that pm ig thing?:> edit: bout the 1 spamm skill on mage i loved it i mean come on old school l2 , with spamming 1 skill and knowledge on how to position ur self u could be the god of ur server in pvp.
oh you don't know the ladies and me in our clan :d we ruin every chat... ^^" yeah but it seems dull and boring (but they do look cute !!! which is the most important thing for me xd so i will still make one !!!) i like god update (i might be only one i think sometimes...) but even in the older chronicles i used more then just 1 skill d: but the mage has a nice rush/jump skill i admit that :d
then we r goin' to have some fun i mma pm ya as soon as i get into the game cute? lel if the character doesnt have a ****** profile or some ****** skillz there is no point in playing him ;p thats why i m goin to make wynn spectral master :> ****** pets ^^
i made a elemental summoner... just love the ponies !!! hahaha i got told the ertheia mage has no range skills (only the rush skill with 900 range) ... so i guess if i play one i need hide a lot hahaha.
yh but by mistake i made sph i mean i missclicked it xd anyway right now i feel that im rdy to create a ****** nuker xd
try it , when u r slepless for like 2 days and drunk i bet that u have like 40% to missclick it anyway since i got the opportunity to make him as a dual class i got nps
ahaha well mage with no range 2k14 i bet that they ll be popped like a papper xd ?? ponies come on friend why u did dat to ur self xd @togepi i agree, i like sitting back and letting the pet do the work for me more than spamming f1 button atm ... bored already xd