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LF Nice English or German speaking Clan for lvl UP

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by R4yM4n, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. R4yM4n

    R4yM4n User

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    hey guys,

    im looking for a clan with nice ppl on core. english or german speaking would be perfect.

    i returned to the game after a long break.

    in the past i played on nc west (naia).

    on innova i played a yul archer, but like 1,5 years ago i stopped.

    now iam lvling my subclasses because i broke my main weapon when i stopped playing in the past.

    my char: dark elf yul 90 / sub wc 75 / sub glad 75 / sub aw 61

    atm i plan to play the aw and make it othell ghost hunter dual class to play it mainly.

    i hope to find a friendly clan, wich make some smaller raids or xp partys from time to time. clanskills and mb clanhall would be nice also.

    so if this description fits for any clan outside there just write here or pm me ingame "soulcrya
    Hasselhoff likes this.
  2. a.chalikias

    a.chalikias User

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    dear friend we can cover all that u ask to our clan and u r welcome any time u want. in game pm axon cl clan name newdawn. ty
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