hi, few question for pro players: 1)i've think i've read somewhere that shadow chase land rate is static now and not affected by multiple time application-resistence? is it true? if yes any sense in getting + stun atk bonus?considering that power bluff, for what it seems to me,never land even on mobs? 2)does dual – master's rage works with daggers blow? if yes how does it triggers and how/how often? 3) does dual – physical attribute increase(increases success rate for physical attacks and defense by 20.)has something to do with our blows land rate?anyway what the hell does it mean? 4)does dual – mental attribute increase(increases success rate for mental attacks and defense by 20.)has somethnig usefull for an or?i mean what are our mental atk if we have any? ty in advance for your help. regards.
shadow shase static? nop , can be increased/decreased with stun attack jewelries masters rage is working since epesodion , my experience is bad with this one , someone else will give you a normal reply about this physical trait is increasing by 20% your physical debuff attack/defense mental trait is increasing by 20% your mental debuff attack/defense physical trait has nothing with blow landrate , only with bloodstab/shadow shase/etc what is doing a debuff mental trait affect only bluffs mental part , they modified the skill and its like the old bluff
no. shadow chase is not static. everything that's related to stun affects it master rage land rate is around 1-2%. barely lands when you need it my advice is to stay away from it blows land rate is not affected by physical trait. it helps with the debuffs mental trait is good to resist some mental attacks (iss debuffs for example) p.s: no. it's not -only- power bluff that it's our only mental attack.
afaik iss only has 1 mental attack and nobody uses it. ultimate oblivion. then swordmuse has 1 more, the song of silence, im sure no other debuff from iss is mental.