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Lucien's Altar Quest questions / sub quest list?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by lws96, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. lws96

    lws96 User

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    hello everyone,

    i have a question about a quest. i was looking for a list of daily quests that someone 85+ can do. i know innova's lineage 2 differs some from ncwest servers, so i take the quest guide located at http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/the-library/quests/daily-quests.php with the knowledge that it may not apply to innova's servers.

    however, i found the quest in question as "lucien's altar"where i need to talk to priest of the earth daichir in schuttgart. the map for his location off l2wiki shows he is located in schuttgart. the adventurer's guide that lists all in-game quests show him located in the mithril mines. in any case, i cannot locate the npc to start this quest.

    also, is there a list of quests a subclass can do besides simply fighting your way up?
  2. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    the npc you are looking for, is inside mithril mine, in the pit.
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