hi! i has a wynn class and iam was thinking about making a heal macro for each summon. but it seems i cant target the second summon with macro. is it even posible to target second summon that way??
"/target <name>" will target the name closest to you, which means, that if there's multiple targets with identical names, only the closest target matter. even if "/target <name>" worked, somehow, you wouldn't want to use it since servitor names are generic; you would end up casting a heal on your enemy's servitors (that is, if you were planning on casting, e.g., the garbage level 14 battle heal). i have no idea how healing multiple servitors work, yet, since i've never been higher than level 79 (i think it was). i've tried asking several wynn summoners over the past four days, about how they heal their servitors, but none of them understood english. therefore, i am just going to go by the assumption that nobody knows / it's ****ing magic. edited: on further inspection, it seems that transfer pain only works on the first servitor that was summoned. knowing this, we can assume that servitor heal works the same way. servitor heal, which you don't have to target the servitor in order to cast.
wynn summoners are having mass pet heal skill (on 85 if i m not wrong) and balance life skill (on 90+ don't remember exact level), which is balancing your life with the hp of the pets. and yes, only the first summoned pet is the one, that transfered pain. if it dies, you have to wait it to disappear, before you summon the new one, that will transfer the pain.
there's special command to target first or second summon, but i can't write it because other wynns will use it