hi. we are a small group of dutch players who is looking for a healer minimum 95 level to join us in the evening hours for some xp and instances. all of us play l2 for over 9 years, preferable we want someone who have a good knowledge about the game. eventhough we are dutchies its not needed you are from the netherlands as long as you can play our time window and are able to communicate in english in ventrilo. our playing hours are in the evening 18:00 amsterdam time till maybe 23:00 / 0:00 (depeding on what we do). our goals: - first of all having fun in the game. - level up to 99. (we started over at the ertheia launch and are 95/96 level atm) - farming for gear. - eventualy join 1 of the pvp clans once we are suiteable to fit in and some clan wants us to have for any info leave me a pm in the forums of sent in ingame message to "saejin" ty for reading. have fun! you can considder us mature players, atleast age wise if you are a so called dramaqueen don't even bother to reply. in the 9 years l2 i've seen enough drama in my cp's, clans ect. we want players who are relaxed and still can enjoy the game without all the crying mod edit: we use english only on the main forum boards, please use the language section for all other languages.
/free bump mod edit: we use english only on the main forum boards, please use the language section for all other languages.
thx for the free bump. still looking for a healer 95+ that wants to make lvl 99 fast and farming for some gear. pm saejin (viena), killingtime (killtime) or hattrick in game for more info. ty
hello minji !! add me ingame on your friendslist when you are on. we leveled a bit. lf healer preferable 97 or up now.
still lf healer 97+ who is available on a daily base 18:30 - 23:30 for farming and making our way to 99 level.