here the yesterdays last round of the mass pvp. i think around 5-6 parties on bs side (including their strongest) vs 5-6 ba parties (including their strongest) + 1-2 enclave parties (vlm/seleniia grp i think, not sure if it was randomly made or cp) pov: feoh soultaker 99 poisonbg - aeore eva's saint hero 99 logy - aeore eva's saint 99 stevian - iss hierophant hero 99 ownedbyjik - feoh soultaker 99 doljo - feoh soultaker? 99 --------------
nice video as always it was a fun night and good pvp too. hope to have this kind of pvp more often tbh
too short... in the moment i just want more i realize this is the end. eh... but nice pvp this is lineage ii
for the 1st time someone didn't lie (much) on the numbers :d it was not bad pvp (my party just joined at the end - we were just 5 qq) hopefully there will be more like this... gf
cuz bs always saying the truth about numbers :d anyways yes was a nice fight. qq, i will try to fraps more of these pvps when we have them