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Yul Archer, what do you think ?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by TypIol, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. TypIol

    TypIol User

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    hi guys, im going to play a yul archer but not sure what race/class i wanna take, here is some what i might wanna go as.

    elf ms with old rapid fire and shot (old buff)

    kamael trickster with fast shot ( buff for akt spd with crossbow and real target - defbuff for crossbow )

    not sure what is the best to go with for pvp view ofc. just wanted to ask if this can be done: if i go humen saggi, can i reroll to ms to get rapid fire+shot after 85? or before 85?

    how is yul archer in this update? anyway let me know what you think, all tips/ideas etc are very helpfull

    thank you!
  2. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    trickster + realtarget = win in this update. i highly recommend it. one of the best archers around rerolled to it and the reason is obvious. real target has much less reuse than bullseye 1st of all and crossbow as a weapon is identical for the best results in pvp. i got xbow recently (i 'm d elf trickster) and i won't go back to bow. atk speed with sonatas is maxed all the time. pvp wise it is the best choice.

    no matter what tho don't expect miracles in damage. we still are nerfed a lot compared to other damage dealers. we will get trully boosted again on next update.
  3. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    there's 3 ways to build you archer for pvp and all 3 are competitive in pvp, the only difference being that some are better at one aspect. i want to also tell you upfront : yul archer, while not being as strong as feoh or othell are very decent in this update and can be real monster if they have enough gear.

    i'll try to come up to an easy understanding between what build does what for yul since it goes beyond that "arcane power is better than wizard spirit" for mages, or "there's no reason to have drum instead of prophecy of wind" for healers.

    pros :
    mind eye
    quick fire
    cons :
    quick fire
    no 1500 atk spd

    this is your everyday archer, depending on the races it'll be better to go str or dex build, or even hybrid if you fancy. but it has severals problems : you have almost 0 burst damage if quick fire is not up so you need to have it close to +10 as soon as possible, and it tends to forces you to go str build since proccing skill mastery on quick fire is important if you want to keep your dmg up.
    i do not know how much atk spd you get with the new quick fire since the new update, but before ertheia, an archer with quick fire up had more burst than others yuls since it gave you instant cast on aoe (which others perma 1500 atk spd build struggle to achieve).
    small ps : keeping rapid shot instead of taking the new quick fire is imo a bad idea if you can't keep rapid fire (elf) aswell. quick fire ++ is very good now.

    pros :
    perma 1500 atk spd
    good dex base for dex build
    cons :
    no mind eye
    kinda force you to go dex build
    easy to overbuff in pvp

    this build is very good in open pvp but is lackluster when it comes to burst dmg during br. but if you can afford a good bow, it is probably the best build possible for open pvp. one thing to note, this is probably the weakest olympiad build of all yuls, which is something to think about if you plan on doing them.

    pros :
    perma 1500 atk spd
    middle ground for dex or str build (best for hybrid)
    real target
    mind eye's
    use a crossbow
    best /socialdance
    cons :
    real target
    use a crossbow

    this is "the middle ground" build who allow you to have the pros of both world. it mostly allow you to keep mind eye's while still having 1500 atk spd all the time which is a really big deal both for olympiad if you plan on doing them, but also in open pvp during battle rhapsody.
    i also listed real target both a pro and a con, why ?
    real target have 100% landrate, cannot be resisted nor reflected. it'll land on everything that is not immune to debuffs : tanks on knight frenzy, tyrr on berserker / guts, othells on aod / ue, yul on ue, everything. it has very low cooldown, which mean no matter how much the healer try to cleanse it, your target will have real target as long as you remember to press the button and the target is not under purge or angel touch.
    however, real target is 40% more dmg for crossbow with 900 range only while bulleye is 60% for crossbow & bow and -25% mdef (at 1100 range) for any feoh that assist you. that mean that having real target instead of bulleye cut your burst dmg by 20%, which is something to think about, because if you don't have a good weapon, your dmg will be lacking with real target.
    if you don't have a good weapon (meaning r95 +<8 2 sa, or r99 +<6 2 sa), i'd probably suggest to take bulleye instead of real target.
    i also listed the crossbow as a both a con & a pro : doing this build force you to be trickster and no other yul archer classes. this is a very small con since yul trickster is the best yul for pvp, but it is still something that block you in a specific class.

    one last thing, yuls are going to get a huge boost in the next update so keep this in mind when you'll see that you hit 2 times less than any feohs or othell buddy you have. small note about real target also, trickster in the next update will get a "new" bulleye at lvl101 with ~20sec cooldown that cannot be resisted and (probably) does not delete real target upon learning, allowing you to have both.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    SnoWyz and Elesmira like this.
  4. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    also seems like pretty easy target to get fixed/nerfed, level 70 skill landing on 99 chars, doesn't seem 'normal' :p
    still w/o real target its as good as other archers, i guess.
  5. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    it use the same mechanic as gloom. i'd be ok with real target getting "nerfed" on his landrate if gloom get the same treatment. (i do not see it as "better" than bulleye, just different : it kills 20% of your dmg and some range in exchange of easy landrate and low cooldown)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    Elesmira and Rosenrot like this.
  6. TypIol

    TypIol User

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    thanks alot for all the info !!

    just gotta add a few things. my plan was also to go full dex build, what about elf trickster ? with rapid fire+shot, could that be something good ? even better then kamael trickster ?

    my budget for gear isnt that high, my idea was to get rings/neck/earring and dye setup before getting armor/wep. ( event gear at 85 with maybe bless apo bow+4 2sa 300 untill i get more money for r99 )

    and when it comes to rings/neck/earring, what should i ues? my idea was something like this: ist+oct ring warrior, tezza neck, zaken coc earring ( cant afford much more ) or aq+baium, tezza, zaken + coc earring? or mix ist ring warrior+baium/aq?

    what do you guys think ?
  7. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    better no, since both these archers are very good in pvp and kinda work the same way. but it'll be a very good pvp oriented build, yes (imho the best that use a bow). it is also a cheaper build, since you don't have mind eye you have absolutly no use for crt ring beside pve.
    know also that you call still go full dex build with kamael (i just prefer not going beyond 80 dex).

    you don't need any +crt dmg rings since you don't have mind eye's. your priorities should be skill cooldown then mdef and then stun & mental resist.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
  8. TypIol

    TypIol User

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    alright cool ! was looking around for ring/neck/earring and maybe something like this: ist oct rings, ist neck warrior, and ist oct earrings? normal zaken had a low m.def and blessed one cost to much.

    but even without mind eye's, isnt it still better to ues ist+oct warrior rings, for the crit damage?

    now i just gotta figure if its gonna be elf or kamael xd
    Angelripper likes this.
  9. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    well, why waste 5 billions on rings which almost do nothing for you ? while you could get a beleth ring and something else, or a blessed zaken.
    for necklace i recommend either soul frintezza or octavis warrior necklace. the earrings are fine.

    and no, without mind eye your auto atk are irrelevent, and 99% of your dmg will comes from spamming skills (which is fine).
  10. TypIol

    TypIol User

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    ah yah thats true, i'll look around on market and see what i can come by :) thanks
  11. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    isn't this new bullseye on trickster going to replace the current one or not? just like a second bullseye?
  12. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    ultimate rokon
    resistance to bow / crossbow of the target 7 seconds to reduce 60%. do not turn off when hit. elemental stone consuming one.
    use class rate trickster
    skill type active-weakening skill
    skill attribute ---
    re-cast time 20 seconds
    mp consumption 24
    hp consumption ---
    acquisition level 99
    sp needs 5000000
    needed items the runestone 8

    since it use spirit ore, require rune stone to learn and does not give -25% mdef like bulleye i highly doubt so. and there's no mention of it on the korean page.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
    Elesmira likes this.
  13. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    kinda agree with everything vlm said, except some things:
    -str imo is useless, since it's just for cooldown(wich u can hit a middle lvl one in 110 str).
    - quick fire still bad(now it's imo useless), more than before(from 200% to 50%), so better keep rapid shot. why? just because 12% perma is better than 50% each 2 mins(without any cooldown add). even if it's 40 seconds now, like he said, u'd need a str build(that sux) to have it doubled all time. doesn't worth, imo.
    - dex still better than str from far. why? cuz like i said, str is just cooldown. dex is attack speed, speed, double damage on skills and etc, wich are very important to archer, since it's warps are high delay, so you run faster is better. attack speed with attack speed rings(even if just octa + istina rings = 5%) + full dex(15 dye, 5[i think it go to 5 nowdays] brac, 4 shirt, 2 longing, 2 cloak, 3 hat, 3 fish stew) = 34 dex that comes to 306 attack speed more, adding attack speed rings, cha(new stat), full buff and etc, it comes to a high attack speed, perma, even if not silver rangered base.
  14. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    i don't like having more than 80 dex since it's a soft cap for both your atk spd (on elf & kamael you reach 1500 at ~70 dex) and skill crt (+1 dex after 80 dex give less than before this cap).
    it's the same situation with str, which have a soft cap at 120 str. that's why my char is hybrid with built around reaching these 2 caps. it's just personnal opinion.

    with buffs you can have perma quickfire if you crt it. if you don't crt it you'd have 40sec of downtime (and this is with warrior harmony & dead eye stance).
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
  15. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    curse gloom has 85, 90, 95 and 99 levels, it doesn't stay at 70... try landing unawakened gloom on awakened char ^^
  16. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    same should have been with real target then tbh. but nop. bullseye with 10 sec reuse resisting 50% of the time and being removed easily.
  17. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    if u hit 90, it becomes even greater. the hint is to hit each 10. and about attack speed, if u have more, u can remove daring :).
    johnfistikis likes this.
  18. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    i'm talking without daring
  19. BloodDivine

    BloodDivine User

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    not an archer player but i would definatelly make kamael archer and keep fast shot and real target. real targets land rate is like 100% (tested it out with angel of death which is 80% debuff resistance and 5/5 real targets land

    don't aim for crt.dmg rings since u wont have mindseye. aim for full m.def and reuse jewels (such as istina's necklace)
    wizards harmony/deadeye stance and u'll make more than enough dmg considering vllm hits me more than 90% of the archers in this server do cause bullseye land rate is like meh while real target is 100%

    i would mostly focus on dex dyes since str wont be good for u since no mindseye (ok.. just keep your str at 110 for the double duration/insta reuse)
    jlobe, Matul6924, andomyml and 6 others like this.
  20. TypIol

    TypIol User

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    thanks again all for the info! :) think i'll go with kamael i think xd havent made up my mind yet ^^
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